High temperature processing group
Our primary research fields are high temperature processing, bridging the gap between the fundamental study and industrial application for pyrometallurgical production and refining of metals.
Our research interests include:
- Thermodynamic and phase equilibria of metallurgical slags
- Physiochemical properties of high temperature melts, e.g. viscosity, thermal and electrical conductivity, density
- Fluid dynamics of bath smelting techniques
- Development of advanced refractories
- Secondary steel refining and inclusion control
- Microalloyed and oxide metallurgy of advanced steels
Experimental Facilities and thermodynamic software
5. FEI Scios FIB - Dual Beam SEM
The FEI Scios Dual Beam system is a combination of two systems: a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and a Focused Ion Beam (FIB) system. While the SEM produces high resolution images of a variety of specimens in a digital format, the FIB is capable of fast and precise site-specific milling of the specimen material, revealing the structure under the surface layer, making cross sections, deposition layers, etc. The integration of both systems yields a powerful analytical tool which delivers outstanding 2D and 3D performance for a broad range of applications.
The SCIOS is equipped with three in-lens/column SE/BSE detectors, Everhart-Thornley SE detector, ICE detector (secondary electrons and ions), retractable segmented under lens BSE detector, and STEM retractable segmented detector (BF, DF, HADF, HAADF). An Oxford Instruments AZtec integrated EDS-EBSD system is installed for elemental composition and crystal structure characterizations.
The system also offers a package of software applications for automated sequential mill and acquire of series of slice images and EDS (chemical maps)/EBSD (texture or orientation maps) maps and subsequent 3D reconstruction.