Research Themes
Tissue Engineering
The field of tissue engineering aims to recreate tissue within the laboratory. We engineer synthetic platforms and culture cells to mimic or controllably grow complex and functional tissue at high density and scale. This artificial tissue may have future applications for therapeutics and grafts, testing and optimising interventions, and cellular agriculture. Topics: Biomaterial Fabrication, Bioreactor Engineering, Stem Cell & Tissue Culture.
Biomedical Image Analysis
Imaging remains the gold standard technique to assess tissue quality and function. We capture microscopy and medical images and program algorithms and software to rapidly, automatically, and precisely diagnose our engineered tissue or patient tissue. This imaging data links our experiments to our computational models and to clinical data. Topics: Microscopy, MRI, CT, Segmentation, Statistical Shape Analyses, Co-Localisation, Motility & Fate Tracking
Computational Biology
Predictive models of cell and tissue behaviour are necessary to optimise tissue manufacturing or guide clinical decision-making. Leveraging image analyses and culture experiments, we program multiscale mathematical or statistical models in single-cell, tissue-wide, or multi-tissue systems to link experiments to theory to practice. Topics: Cell Population Models (DE's), Single-Cell Models (Agent-Based), Tissue Biomechanics (FEA).