Dr Kai Li Lim

Researcher biography
Dr Kai Li Lim is the inaugural St Baker Fellow in Electromobility at The UQ Dow Centre for Sustainable Engineering Innovation. As a trained computer engineer with more than nine years of experience developing mobility and navigation frameworks, his early forays saw him designing navigational algorithms for mobile robots and indoor pedestrians. More recently, his applications employ techniques relating to data engineering, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, computer vision and deep learning, resulting in tangible products for real-time vehicle and infrastructural telematics and computer vision-based autonomous driving. His thesis, “Connected Autonomous Electromobility”, document some of these works with top recommendations from its examiners.
Before joining UQ, Kai Li oversees and manages The University of Western Australia’s Renewable Energy Vehicle (REV) Project EV charging station network, the first EV charging network in Australia and the sole network run by an academic institution. As a current adjunct fellow at UWA, he is also a mentor for autonomous driving and connected mobility students. In addition, his industrial experiences include sustainable engineering design projects in Singapore and Jakarta, and more notably, the design of an end-to-end telematics platform for electric propulsion aircraft, watercraft and their infrastructures for Perth-based engineering start-up Electro.Aero.
Here at UQ, he expands on his expertise by working on a data platform for connected vehicles and infrastructures, along with supporting the data processing design for the UQ Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) trial.
Kai Li received the BEng (Hons) degree in electronic and computer engineering from the University of Nottingham in 2012, the MSc degree in computer science from Lancaster University in 2014 and the PhD degree from The University of Western Australia in 2020, where he was fully supported by the Australian Government under the Research Training Program.